Secure, Reliable and Profitable

Capital Alliance is a reliable, secure and trusted validator, helping Solana decentralization and growth. With ZERO FEE, enterprise grade hardware and monitoring, we ensure the BEST APY to our stakers. Open to staking for all users and communities.

0% Fee + MEV - Top APY

Start staking today

Experience the benefits of high APY, MEV rewards, and a secure decentralized solana network.

Copy and paste the following address into your wallet to start staking with us:


Or use the following widget to stake with us:

For more wallet options (Phantom Wallet, OKX, Safepal and many more), use the following link to stake with us:

Capital Alliance on Staking Kiwi


Staking your Solana is 100% secure, only you will have control over your SOL as staking with Capital Alliance is not a custodial Stake, you keep complete control over your coins.

Learn more